Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I have learned

I was over on Miz's site and saw this post "What I have Learned" It made me say...Let me do my own list so here it goes:

What I have learned -

- Follow your dreams. They are often part of God's blueprint for you.

- It's ok to let go of one you love, when it is meant to be no matter how long it takes, you can get back together.

- Humble is not the same as being a pushover.

- It is hard going from "me" to "we" but it is so worth it.

- Boys need you to let go if they are going to be men.

- Life is 10 % what happens to you and 90% how you react to what happens to you.

- Learn to laugh in spite of your condition and regardless of your situation.

- Be happy with you before you try to couple up. It is supposed to be whole folks coming together to become 1.

- Hurt people hurt people.

- Love your career and it won't seem like work.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What a year this has been

Wow...I can't believe it has been 8 months since I posted. Alot has happened since then.

February -

We celebrated my mom's 65th birthday. We made it a birthday weekend in Memphis and Tunica.

I was in two plays this spring and my son was made part of the youth ensemble of Atlanta

The two movies I filmed last year went post production and I reconnected with the love of my life.

Things started changing...My mom was diagnosed with cancer. She started chemo and it seemed like she may have a fighting chance although pancreatic cancer has a low survival rate. After surgery and numerous hospitalizations, we got the devastating news...she was terminal.

After prayer and asking God for guidance, my now husband and I changed our wedding date from September 2012 to September 2011. We wanted her to be there. And she was there. It was a beautiful wedding and reception. Small and intimate with family and close friends in attendance. My older son gave me away. He always loved my hubby. We dated initially from 1996 - 1999 and then remained friends. He was my friend all through the rocky relationship last year.

I am happy with my husband. Sad watching my mother suffer. The pain of watching someone as cancer rocks their body is devastating. There is pain watching my once strong independent mom be reduced to a waif of her old self. The fleshly me is selfish, I want her here. But I know the Lord and I want her suffering to end.

Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

So what is up with you bloggers?