Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Next Generation

There are officially no children πŸ‘Ά in our family. The last of the next generation, my niece, graduated last night. *sigh*  It is bittersweet. Remember in my Father's Day post I said kids don't come with manuals? They don't, but my sister did a great job. She has always been a hands on parent. Even when she had health challenges of her own, she showed up for them.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday Musings

Monday's used to bug me.  I used to hate getting up and dragging back into the office.  Then a few things happened. I realized if I changed my outlook I could change my attitude. I began to focus on what I liked about my office.  That made me look forward to going.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

One thing losing my mom has taught me was to embrace the people in your life while they are here.  I used to be angry with my parents for not being more like the TV πŸ“Ί parents. You know like in a Brady-bunch-Cosby sort of way.  At least until I became a parent. Most things you get come with a manual that tells you what to do. Not kids. There is no class on how to be an awesome parent. It's trial by fire πŸ”₯.  I would always say "I'm never going to do this when I am a mom" or "I'm going to always do that when I'm a mom." It did NOT work out that way.

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Paper

It's just a piece of paper. πŸ“It really doesn't mean much but it means everything.  There have been 3 years of cat and mouse. Three years of random text messages, sporadic emails and silence. More silence than anything.  When you move, I move like a chess match. Each move strategically played.

No one wants to be first. Someone has to be first. The unspoken conversation that hung in the air like a thick fog...dense...hard to wade through....because no one wants to go first.