Monday, December 20, 2010

Meet me on Monday (Stolen from Chele)


1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of? Not sure.  No big to-do this year so whatever the boys want.

2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?  I watch them.  I am a big marketing buff so I love quirky eye-catching commercials.

3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up? Not applicable this year.  This year my tree was used on the set of the play so it has been up since October.  Alot of my decorations were at the theater.  After we tore down the set yesterday, It was tiring.  The boys and I agreed we really don't want to go through all of that for 5/6 days so we are bypassing the tree/decorations etc. thing at the house this year.

4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it? Steel Magnolias.

5. Do you have a Facebook? yes I do.

1 comment:

  1. A few of my FB friends mentioned getting a tree this past weekend. I don't understand the point of having it up for a week or so.

    Steel Magnolias is my boo-hoo movie too! gets me every time...

    Have a merry Christmas!
